Ponting is criticised and condemned for the foolish mistakes, which even a novice would not commit.
He inherited a strong, united well gelled team from Steve Waugh. He has now split it into too many groups, cracked it and de-gelled it.
He has let his personal whims rule the roost instead of team and country's interest. Lee was fully fit but he doesn't like him (it is a well known secret). So he dropped him saying that he is not fully fit. He took the team into the 5th oval test without a spinner and am really surprised that an experience guy like him came oue out to say that he has 'misread' the pitch.
When the debutant Trott walked in he should have attacked him with a suitable field but he chose to defend, so much so the youngster could score a valuable, morale boosting 41 runs.
He had negative frame of mind when he approached the crucial test of the series. Instead of winning it, he aimed only at drawing it. The saying is aim at the stars you will at least reach the tree top. He not even aimed at the tree top. So much so he went below the roots.
His arrogance is a shame on Australia and several of my Australian friends hav admitted it to me on several occasions.
The vandalism he has committed, had it be done by any player from any other country, ICC would have slapped a very heavy fine and that apart, he would have also been dropped by that country, simply because he has not conducted himself as a goodwill ambassador. Does he conducted him as a role model and an ambassador of goodwill for Australia? He proved that he is abase punk.