Harbhajan Banned for 3 tests, is it correct?
2008-01-06 10:25:22 UTC
Shame! Shame! Shame!

Racism as it's best!

Harbhajan banned for 3 tests. Is that Correct, on the part of ICC on the basis of verdicts from dishonest Australlian Team ?

I stand for Honesty.

I stand by what Kumble said " there was only one team playing according to the spirit of the game".

Ricky Pointing, this is a shame to your integrity. Whatever the outcome may be "IT HAS NOT BEEN PLAYED IN THE TIGHT SPIRIT".

I would like to see, what insightful Australians say about that.

You may have won 16th straight test but it really sucks!!!!!
102 answers:
2008-01-07 19:11:04 UTC
How sad!!!

Is this how a 'hard playing ' side responds to a threat in the game?

If 'this' is not racism then what is?

It is not winning alone but how one win counts, having 'assisting' umpires and match referees do not make a playing side 'sporting'.

Banning Harbhajan Singh may help them win another series of 'consequtive wins' but at what cost?

Having no self respect or has that page in the Bible of Australian cricket been torn off along with terms like sportsmanship, spirit of the game and fairplay?

Is bullying playing 'hard'?

It is right that India has retained their image by suspending the tour. Enough is enough, no team should take such insults and racism lying down and cower under threats and boycott.

Come on, Australia have always been poor losers and 'bad' sportsman when things dont go their way and resort to such blatant intimidation, abhorrent behavior on field that gives way to mitigating circumstances for the side they are playing against.

The entire sporting world should ban playing with and in Australia till the side is suitably rapped on the knuckles.

It is a pity that the Aussie administration still believes that their boys have played a fair game, is it not a case of closing one's eyes and believing that nobody has seen you?

Aussies!!! learn lessons of humility and fair mindedness from the Indian Captain, Anil Kumble who said nothing else apart from those few words that have ripped the prestige of Aussie Cricket to tatters.
2008-01-07 04:41:45 UTC
the only problem i have with the ban is the lack of concrete evidence. if he indeed made the comment the ban is fully justified. what i dont understand is how symonds gets racially abused and hes the bad guy? i obviously dont know symonds from adam but would be staggered if he just made the whole thing up. i guess it was symonds fault too that some people in the crowds in india last year (was it?) directed monkey chants and gestures at him. if anything is shameful, its that.

the australians certainly push the envelope but at the end of the day its up to the umpires to make the decisions. ganguly is certainly not above plenty of histrionics when things dont go his way (remember the tour of nz in 2003?) and he is most definitely not someone who walks if he knows hes out, so why should the australians? at least there are neutral umpires, touring teams in india back in the day had no such luxury.

im not sure how the logic follows that the australians are bad sports so india should go home in protest. what a very sporting gesture that would be. i have no problem with kumbles comments about the spirit of the game and the rest of it, but all the complaining about umpiring decisions on here hardly shows a high level of sportsmanship. neither does the comment that the australians deserve to be racially abused. very sporting that.

the aussies got some horrific decisions in the ashes in 2005 (a couple i recall from steve bucknor) - these things happen, its sport. i dont recall them insisting he be barred from standing in the next test though.
2008-01-07 13:03:15 UTC
If Harbhajan really did abuse Symmonds then yes, the ban is valid. However it can only be proved if the ICC has conclusive evidence in the form of stumps microphone recordings etc. not by an Australian player saying he did it. Clearly they are biased witnesses. Neither of the umpires says that he heard the alleged slur. Symmonds glee over the umpire's mistake recorded in post match interviews and Ponting's fake call after ball made contact with the ground are indisputable example of how cricket should not be played.

While the obviously bad umpiring in this test and Australia's propensity for sledging are well known I do not think that this justifies bad behavior on anyone else's part. As one of the best behaved teams in the game and one of the few that still tries to adhere to the spirit of the "Gentleman's Game" it behooves India to set a stirling example.

Rather that refusing to play due to the ban on Harbhajan we should have refused to continue to play because the investigation was slip shod or because of the blatantly biased umpiring.
2008-01-07 04:13:41 UTC
The descision given by the concerned persons was simply rubbish. Without proper evidence noboby has the rights to convict a person. In this situation the Indian team should come back from the rest of the series and hereafter no asian country should go to Australia since all asian countries faced problem with them. Aus team can go upto whatever extent they can to keep the title. So let them keep the title and cups with them and we should be satisfied with asian cup.We dont want to play with 14 players as opponent including 3 powerful ICC umpires.

If we want to continue the series Team Australia should apologise, Match 2 should be cancelled and rematch should be conducted,ban on harbajan should be withdrawn and lastly ICC should advice only 11 players can represent Australia.

Thanks for giving a chance. Jai Hind.
2008-01-07 05:44:18 UTC
I feel Australian are beatable now, they should be scared of our team!

I think our team should not play with the Australian team n come back soon as early as possible because now i don't think there's any reason for our team to stay there n play...

australia has already won the 2nd match, even though they didn't play honestly.... i mean, indian players must have lost all their interest in playing such an unfair game!!! n palying a game without any interest would further lead to our downfall!!

Well, I don't think Bhajji deserves ban for 3 test matches, though i'm very happy that the team's decision to not play until their 2 demands r fulfilled:

1. ban on bhajji to be removed!

2. umpire steve bucknor should not be allowed to play in the next test match!


n hope the right decision is taken by our team n ICC!
2008-01-07 03:14:40 UTC
We cant expect any better from Australia.... They are the most stupid team who is always helped by the ICC in any matter. And as an Indian if you consider, we (BCCI) are the 80% money contributer (may it in case of Sponsorship / Advertisement) of ICC , then also why we are so helpless against these situations.? Are we lacking the strong leadership in cricket ? Or our players are not supporting to each other ? Whatever may be the reason but we need to have straight action against these kind of matters. Our whole country should Stand firmly behind Bhajji
2008-01-07 06:03:52 UTC
yes! Provided ICC banned symonds, hussey and ponting also for 3 matches each. That would have been right justice and a stern warning to everybody to behave . If still some team persists in dubious means, ban the team for a matche or give opponents a win. Everybody will behave like a lamb. And cricket will become again a gentlemen's game. But is anybody really interested in gentlemanliness these days.
2008-01-07 03:50:12 UTC
In my view point the decision to to ban Bhajji is totally a useless decision or i must say its a one sided judgment in favor of Australians. Without any proper evidence he is found to be guilty and its shame for BCCI, that they hasn't taken any corrective measures to support Indian team. So I think the team have to boycott the series and come back as this is not the matter of the prestige of the team only but its a issue for the prestige of India as a whole and i must say its a matter of all the Asians. Jai Hind
2008-01-06 22:43:31 UTC
If what was said is true then Singh should be banned for life.

Who do the Indians think they are saying they are going to boycott the rest of the series there is no way in hell that this type of action should even be considered.

This is international cricket and people are going to do all they can to win.

India really need to get over themselves I am not saying what Australia has done is 100% correct but if India keep harping on then they are the ones not playing to the spirit of the game.

This is sport there are winners and losers, some things don't go your way but it is how you bounce back from it. India get you revenge on the field that will be the best comeback.
2008-01-06 11:01:57 UTC
I'm an Indian but I would like to say....Why don't you guys think about it from a sports perspective rather than giving emotional thoughts? It happens in every sports. You are not always luckier. Stop applying dirty politics and tricks to spoil your own reputation. Look around, Chelsea, McClaren, SriLanka etc does the same. So do Australian Cricket team. And so do Indian Cricket team. Noone is perfect. Do what you can on the pitch and don't put yourself in such an awkward situation. That's the best. 35-40 years old, still not mature? That's a shame. The reality is bhajji brought a shame to the team and to the country (bcoz he was caught). Try to improve the game and defeat them if you can.

Honestly, Its too bad to see that 90% of the questions posted in this section are directed towards criticism of australian cricket team and umpires.
2008-01-07 06:40:50 UTC
Australia is americanizing cricket. They behave like a big boss. They may have talent but not spirit. A cat with a dry fish in its mouth tells it is a vegetarian. How the match refree and umpires and they (poor australian cricketers) understood what Harbhajan told in Hindi. It is totally a biased decision. If the board (BCCI) is doing any thing good for India, it should call back Team India. ICC should not be a toy for Australia.
2008-01-06 12:52:59 UTC
What a shame Australia has devalued the game to it's lowest ever level, win at all cost with unsportsmanlike behaviour has drawn some very fine players into what must be termed a disgrace. Pointing's body language and open defiance towards umpires is intimidating them into errors. Australia always gets the advantage of critical decisions that effect the outcome of games. If they keep it up they may as well play themselves.
2008-01-06 10:53:09 UTC
That is correct.

I personally think that they should not play the next match as protest.

RIcky Ponting and crew has stooped to new low. They have shown that they will go any extent to win a match.

India did not register a complaint against Buckanoor and continue their bullshit policy of being nice. Mahatma Gandhi is long dead and we should react to modern mind games with our own mind games.

I am honestly pissed about ban against Bhajji for the simple reason that umpires did not hear anything and Sachin came out and stated that it was just regular exchange between players.

At the very least, I, as contributor to the sucess of the game (regular supporter, buying expensive packages and staying up late at night) need and deserve to know what the evidence is.

I think Bhajee is passionate but not stupid to tread the fine line. He is experienced player with lot of class.

Shame to Ricky Ponting, Symonds, Buckanoor, ICC and BCCI (to ICC and BCCI for not taking proper stand). Bhajhi should hire his own laywer.
2008-01-07 09:22:00 UTC
Australians were known for their stylish,hard,tough and fair cricket.But,

today,they have forgotten the basic elementary rules like appealing after

the ball was being safely grounded.Ricky ponting is no exception in that.

He made a strong appeal even after ground the ball and i wonder how the

umpires took him as a reference for Ganguly's decision.Indains were

outplayed by the umpires annd not by the australians.I still wonder how

almost all the umpiring errors went against India.We called it tour "downunder".

Upmires pushed Indians DOWN UNDER.India deserved to win the test match at SCG.The fair cricket played in Asutralian history ended up With steve waugh.If this sort of attitude of Australian players continues out there in the

middle of the field,Cricket is no more a gentlemen game.
Jiya b
2008-01-07 00:13:27 UTC
It is true , But india should not take this Sh*t they should have made a come back from the match until and unless they wont learn a lesson as they think they are the ruling team in cricket grounds.

Even if they think they are the best i believe they are the worst of all teams. They take all other teams for granted.

We need to teach them a lesson & I beleive wht Bhajji has done was not at all wrong.
2008-01-07 00:12:23 UTC
hey can anyone tell me how a black guy (i mean harbhajan is not black but we all indians are not 'goras') can do racial coments on symonds and if symonds thinks that this is not the right spirit then he should have walked out while he was out....

and india should not come back we will fight against them hard in the remaining two tests though we cant win the series but still oneday international we can win

and we r the champions of 20 20 .........if they won this series by cheating we should win rest of the matches with the true spirit

AND HATS OFF TO KUMBLE for showing right spirit
MS - Believe in Ek Oankaar
2008-01-06 13:15:33 UTC
No, I think BCCI must take few actions, my suggestions:

- Call team India back from the tour without delay.

- refuse any match with Ausies unless they apologies and ICC lifts ban on Harbhajan Singh.

- Form a Cricket control board in Indian Sub continent with Pak, Srilanka and Bangladesh.

We need to make sure that we do something to protect the interests of Team India and avoid any injustice in future.
Brianna O
2008-01-06 13:08:20 UTC
is the world really so PC it's calling the use of the word 'monkey' racist? yes, it's an insult, but for goodness sakes, how on earth can you be sure it's a racist one? it could be insulting andrew symonds intelligence for all we or he knew.

when the blackcaps make a claim against an australian's bowling action, they're laughed at, but when the australian's make a claim the player is banned for three tests. what absolute rubbish.

after symonds didn't walk when he was caught behind, there were a lot of names i would've liked to have called him too. yet he gets away with calling jacob oram 'this bastard' on live television. actual evidence, but he's not banned. how is that in the spirit of the game? just because a player is doing well.

the ockers can't stand the taste of their own medicine. i hope the indians take it to them in the form of winning the next two tests.

at least this controversy has overshadowed australia's world record.
2008-01-07 06:48:46 UTC
I think the user named 'alpha' doesn't know that this match was not played in sportsmen spirit by Australian team and we lost the game due to 9 wrong decisions against us. Giving nine decisions wrong is unusual thing which i have never seen or heard before. Secondly the ban on Harbhajan is really unfair as he is banned without any evidence. This seems that all umpires and refrees are on side of Australian team. That's why all decisions are in favour of Australians.
2008-01-07 02:21:17 UTC
No, Even Indian should come back.

It's not only the case of Harbhajan, it's the case of India. Why we play with a team whose Management even players doesn't have spirit of game.They also don't know how to respect their host. And My mother says the country who can't respect for others is itself not respectable.

So without considering the side effect, Indian team should comes back. We all Indians are with You my dear "Indian Players"

Best of Luck ever and forever.
2008-01-07 02:09:02 UTC
This is really a stupid thing done to Harbhajan. Symonds had started all this nonsense and bhaji had just replied to that. So, who should be banned symonds or Bhaji. Waht is happening to cricket. Why are we like this. We have enough power. We are the richest board of cricket. India team should never go to australia again and neither they should invite australia. These two umpires should be banned.
Satyanarayan R
2008-01-07 04:43:58 UTC
It is in justice to Harbhajan and India should quit Australia series.

Mr. Sarat Power should be dismissed from BCCI.

Mr. Gagmohan Dalmian must come back.
Birinder s
2008-01-07 21:18:01 UTC
The verdict is totally incorrect and ban imposed on Harbhajan Singh looked totally biased and planned with the Australian Board and Match referee. The umpiring was the worst and Mr. Steve Bucknor is the worst umpire and always his decisions are biased against Indian and he should be banned being incompetent umpire. the Australians are known for sledging and they should be punished for provoking the players to respond, The ban should be lifted and Bucknor should be send back being incompetent umpire costing Indian the loss.
2008-01-07 05:09:54 UTC
no,not at all....firstly,there is no concrete evidence on the part of the Aussies.there just being insightful an' ya..some of you are right that Australian cricket sucks.




moreover,PROCTOR took Clarke and Hayden's statement for the truth but when dhoni,sachin,kumble gave their statements,it wasn't took upon.this suggest what big @##!!...these FIRANGIS are.

another thing is... that BHAJJI was the' in the history of cricket never ever any batsman has picked up a fight,so is here.Videos clearly suggest that it was andrew symonds who was arguing an' not bhajji.

INDIA RULES!!i m sure that when being so unscrupulous,these aussies must be doping too.that's how they must be winning all over

HEY ALL you aussies,get something called minds in your head cause your heads are full of dung.

Sfurti M
2008-01-07 02:36:25 UTC
Its a stupid decision in haste and a conspiracy to get INDIA out of this.I think Indian Team should come back to India immediately.ICCI should apologise for this not only to Harbhajan but also to BCCI for making any decision without any logic and destroying the spirit of the game.
2008-01-07 02:30:40 UTC
Its nt a correct decision thats taken by the icc....infact they cant consider only australian story...

Any hw abt the 16th test win.... Australia won it by 13 people team (australian 11 and the umpires)....

on the pitch umpires are taking the advice of the australian captain to give out decisions which is a racist feeling indeed...
2008-01-06 23:59:52 UTC
Sometimes back Wasim Akram quoted one thing that The ICC rules only applicable for Asian cricketers So australians playing blindly but the question is The the umpires also?
2008-01-06 11:42:57 UTC
ONCE AGAIN, no proof against bhajji

out of the 5 (except symonds himself) didnt hear anything themselves, BUT STILL, The match referee went with Ricky ponting and Michael Clarke on their Face value... meaning that he trusted the 2 forgetting what happened with Ganguly or when Ricky ponting didnt walk out when he was caught behind at 13..
2008-01-07 02:45:53 UTC
2 wrongs do not make a right. Indian pride and honour has been ground into the dust. It is now for us to fight back and regain our pride & honour. RECALL TEAM INDIA. There are no 2 ways about it. Secondly match fixing allegations have been raised when teams play in India and against Indian bookies. How about looking into fixng allegations in matches and ICC hearings in Australia?
2008-01-07 01:11:03 UTC
Its really shame on part of ICC and cricket.It always happens only with Indians.I dont understand why we should be always at the recieving end. Now its high time for us as now we are one of the strongest country both in economy and human resource.We are not here now to listen whatever other say.we will protest against this act of Australlians.and it should be in such a way they should feel shame for their act.we will not allow any austallian to put their legs on our land untill and unless they apolize for this.and as apart of punishment for the cricket team they should not be allowed to play in India for atleast 5years.
2008-01-07 04:09:42 UTC
Aussies R so grouse this days.It's the Australian policy to keep field matters to the field so why R they making such a issue of a trivial thing which as not happened.Indians were tough on them and so they started all this nonsense..But can someone tell me, what is BCCI doing.why R they quite when their side is honest.They all are making a bloody mess of cricket
2008-01-07 02:23:49 UTC
Its a real shame, that inspite of having all modern facilities, people are deciding these big things without any evidence. Whats the use of all technology, moderness and such great people controlling these big sport bodies.

The question on correctness or not, comes next!.
Rabindra Nath G
2008-01-06 23:47:00 UTC
The Ban is absolutely correct.The judgement given by the panel must be respected.Likes of Bhajji,Sreesanth are bringing disrepute to Indian cricket and the game is being hijacked by such trivial matters rather than performance on field.
2008-01-06 12:37:16 UTC
Yep...he is gone from this series....

Well played India....we love your attitude in this game and showed how well you can play....keep it up...

Who cares about the spirit....Aussies have no spirit and no

courtesy to guests....they are ruthless in all aspects both on

the field and off the field too...

Have Ponting to shut his big mouth and let the ball take the

bat. Now Ponting will score 100s one after the other and

claim we are the worlds best....No matter how you win the

character will never be wiped off....
2008-01-06 10:43:49 UTC
I like your last sentence :

"You may have won 16th straight test but it really sucks!!!!!"

Its siply absurd. Ausis is a very strong team but they are the worst loosers. And come on ban for 3 tests on Harbajan is NONESENSE.

I think India should come back from Australia. Remember once Ranatunge (Sri Lanka) pulled his team from the field! That is what India should have done today.
saravanakumar s
2008-01-07 03:34:35 UTC
No. first of all, there is no proof, always Indians are at the receiving end. This time BCCI and players should show to the world who indians are.

Then Umpires should also been penalized/banned for poor umpiring and causing a match.
Rohit K
2008-01-07 02:55:39 UTC
Indeed Not !

The BCCI should & must Boycot the ICC on this issue, and if BCCI does not do this, it will be a shame on being the very self of BCCI and the players should boycot it and walk down the pitch and the pavillion.
2008-01-07 08:34:30 UTC
Agree with You. Oz have alwayz been the unfair gamers. They bully every other country, They dont respect players from opposition, They play unfair game, they over-appeal, they practise Racism, they have most unruly crowd...& not to mention the case of the False Implication on the Oz Indian doctor claiming that he was a terrorist. Wow..

Aussies are cry babies who get upset when they get the same treatment from other cricket playing nations. India should ban Australia from his cricketing list. They aint worth it. Its all a joke to them. Ponting should be sacked. He is leaving false impression on the young lads of Australia.
shobha n
2008-01-07 02:42:22 UTC
I think the bad umpiring has nothing to do with banning Harbhajan......i dont understand why people are mixing both the things up....i guess if he has made those nasty comments he deserves to be banned....every person is a human being and such comments as far as my opinion is concerned should be taken up seriously.......
2008-01-07 00:04:05 UTC
It is really a poor act from Australian captain. The only reason Bajji is out of the matches is because he got the wicket of Ponting thrice in this series. I think our team should not play any of the matches in this series and should come back to India. We all are there with you, 'INDIAN' team.
Dave N
2008-01-06 10:38:46 UTC
If Harbhajan Singh is banned, according to the T.V. replay Andrew Symonds deserves to be banned equally; a response to an argument on the pitch automatically involves the responder.

In the case of an argument, a player who responds verbally/physically to the argument is to be penalized according to the degree of conflict.

It is sad to see that even the match referee is taking a step towards baffling decisions.
glory y
2008-01-07 01:55:02 UTC
Really this series is very much cheating. Banning Bhajji is not correct. ICC should see both the sides. What Symonds is doing is not correct. Winning spirit is not only necessary but we should be honest that is humane.............
2008-01-07 06:08:10 UTC
No this very bad desicion harbhajan is enocent . I think umipers of this match will ban for cricket and umpires of this match is wempir for indian cricketer and for indian people
2008-01-07 04:17:35 UTC
I think even the ICC board officials were sleeping during the match because it was evident from the TV replays that it was symonds who began the word fight , so why don't the ICC bord officials punish him.. shame on those people........
narayan j
2008-01-06 23:46:08 UTC
Dear, it is very bad in my view .because ICC decisions is not core ct .Fast i thing ICC will core ct their empire's and then take any decision again Indian player's. it is very shame full decision again Indian .India always play as player but other country try to cricket a shameful thing .
Rucha(Dravid's huge fan)
2008-01-06 20:45:42 UTC
If Harbhajan is banned for 3 tests, then should Ricky Ponting be thrown out completely....???
2008-01-07 17:53:54 UTC
Australians are the ones who introduced what is known as sledging which can have utterances such as --u black bastard and far more serious abuse.

This according to them is quite normal Manly behaviour. For such people to complain about being called a monkey is really a mockery.

End of the day Australians are racists and on top of it seem to think they are better than us because they are white.
2008-01-07 01:48:41 UTC
I think It would have been fair to ban symonds for 3 test coz he has been the center of controversies.Last time it was srisanth vs symon and this time it is bhaaji vs symonds.So, the problem is with the aus player symonds not with Indian players.
2014-06-21 20:48:31 UTC
I am honestly pissed about ban against Bhajji for the simple reason that umpires did not hear anything and Sachin came out and stated that it was just regular exchange between players.
2008-01-06 10:42:06 UTC
yea its correct but that freaking bullsh*T

how often have u seen a batsman sledging a fielder

its is always the other way around

since bhajji was doing awesome and sh*TTed on ponting for the fourth time this series - they want him out

god dam it another umpiring mistake -- the god dam umpires didnt even hear anything so how can they even prove such comments
Farooq M
2008-01-07 04:11:46 UTC

2008-01-07 15:46:30 UTC
It is always the captains of the two teams who should keep up the spirit of the game. Ponting failed to do that and if you are out you must sportingly walk off. Australians are cowards they pay all their sports in the same fashion they always want to win. Shame on u Aussies. Win decently not by cheating.
2014-09-22 02:34:11 UTC
the envelope but at the end of the day its up to the umpires to make the decisions. ganguly is certainly not above plenty of histrionics when things dont go his way (remember the tour of nz in 2003?) and he is most definitely not someone who walks if he knows hes out, so why should the australians? at least there are neutral umpires, touring teams in india back in the day had no such luxury.
2016-10-22 01:51:49 UTC
Its time BCCI confirmed their balls and stood up for what's solid and the perfect of their gamers, in the different case they're going to invariably stay a bunch of monkeys who're earning vast greenbacks from doing no longer something.
2014-06-12 06:13:14 UTC
when the blackcaps make a claim against an australian's bowling action, they're laughed at, but when the australian's make a claim the player is banned for three tests. what absolute rubbish.
Brendon G
2008-01-06 21:04:06 UTC
If he called him a monkey then it's fair.

The problem is that when Ponting confirmed a catch his word was taken, but then when Sachin said that this was a normal bit of banter his word was seemingly ignored.
rooma s
2008-01-07 02:02:04 UTC
In the case of an argument, a player who responds verbally/physically to the argument is to be penalized according to the degree of conflict.
sachin g
2008-01-07 07:57:59 UTC
I think it is wrong .The aussi board dont make the game strategy as per rule. the bcci must hav to take some action against them.poor umpiring causes many thinghs so player lost their temper & causes these fault. So i think the board can not accept this
sunil p
2008-01-07 04:05:27 UTC
shame! shame!shame on AUSTRALIAN CRICKET TEAM as well as umpires.Its been very bad for cricket.When Ricky ponting is concerned its all shame to his character.A one of the great batsman is seen lying in front of world-media.He has proven that he is very shrud & harsh speaking person.Our Media and Advertisers must learn lesson while signing him for brand ambassador or advertiser.DO WE REALLY NEED FOREIGNERS TO INSULT INDIAN SPIRIT?

One thing is for sure World must have learned who is RECIST..!!!!!
2008-01-07 08:52:12 UTC
jagadeesh j
2008-01-07 08:55:33 UTC
This has not been right decision taken by the management, it seems like Australia is the only team which respects the game and other's dont.

Shame to R. Ponting and his team.
2008-01-07 02:12:42 UTC
No, thats not correct. Instead I would say that we have to take some strong actions against blady aussies. I think if I hv a gun then i would be shoot out the blady aussies. monkey sala.
2008-01-07 00:55:48 UTC
the only reason bajji was making ricky pointing out every it was making icc discomfort,if it was other player they would have done the same thing with other player. for example murali from lanka faced the same problem.
2014-10-11 19:38:47 UTC
out of the 5 (except symonds himself) didnt hear anything themselves, BUT STILL, The match referee went with Ricky ponting and Michael Clarke on their Face value... meaning that he trusted the 2 forgetting what happened with Ganguly or when Ricky ponting didnt walk out when he was caught behind at 13..
2008-01-06 11:57:42 UTC
U know what in otday;s workd is someone says something correct, he is always punished though I still feel he insulted monkeys by calling symond a monkey.
2014-09-03 18:59:02 UTC
but all the complaining about umpiring decisions on here hardly shows a high level of sportsmanship. neither does the comment that the australians deserve to be racially abused. very sporting that.
vijay t
2008-01-07 03:26:55 UTC
not at all because there is no solid evidence against bhajji. nobody heard (except sachin )what they said to each others.icc canot suspend bhajji without evidence. if that happens bcci should pull back its team from oz tour.
sachin d
2008-01-07 00:32:14 UTC
1. why he will abuse symonds when ind was in good position?

2. no audio video available, still he was punished ?

3. what is ind mgmt doing, only earning money by not cancelling the tour.

4. they (mgmt)should wear bangles
2014-05-28 05:08:11 UTC
At the very least, I, as contributor to the sucess of the game (regular supporter, buying expensive packages and staying up late at night) need and deserve to know what the evidence is.
sunil n
2008-01-06 23:36:19 UTC
it's not a correct thing.....i agree with kumble's answer because the umpire should not ask the captian if he has doubt means he should ask the fielder....or else he should give to the third umpire....
ramachandra r
2008-01-07 05:27:54 UTC
Absolutely not.The Australians are known for their outrageous conduct on the field hitherto.Now they are expanding it off the field.It is time they are taught a lesson or two.
2008-01-06 23:40:24 UTC
This is not an Indian Law that you can appeal to the higher court?
2008-01-07 08:38:50 UTC
first ricky ponting should be punished for behavoing like a umpire when the ganguly was caught by the clark.very poor umpires desicion ,icc should take action.
2008-01-06 23:38:19 UTC
yes he is win 3 tests

harbajan is a good player

i hope india win 3 tests with Australia

ok thank you bye bye.
2008-01-07 09:00:36 UTC
It is not right it is well planned by the Australians by doing so they have brought their dignity down.

No of wins = Heads down
atul k
2008-01-07 03:41:58 UTC
Not at all,

Indians must be revert back to all Firangi Community.

Jai Bharat.
charanjit s
2008-01-07 03:26:34 UTC
as a player he is rong.bec in game u not allow to use bad words against other team.and its bad for indian team image in word sports
2008-01-06 11:47:33 UTC
u r totally correct!!

Bhajji should not be banned.......i think pure match fixing is going on in Australia.....only Indians r suffering....thats unfair....i just wish that Aus dont even win a single match from now on........even if its not against India!!!!

2008-01-07 03:11:30 UTC
Bulling at its best! Indian team should fight this unlawful act
hai me
2008-01-07 03:37:53 UTC
Alpha, you are completely wrong. Try to see the facts with eyes.

Anyways you are completely wrong
2008-01-07 00:16:48 UTC
anybody think that Indian people can do racism, it is all rumour that bhajji said unaccpetable words .
sunil p
2008-01-06 23:47:53 UTC
NO, THIS IS WRONG Shame! Shame! Shame!
2008-01-07 06:09:01 UTC
I think Mr panthar (ricky pointing) pisses when he sees bhaajji
Star Girl
2008-01-06 10:30:29 UTC
no he is banned for only 2 test b/c there is 4 test in total and they are done 2 test already

INDIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aziz m i don feel he is guilty w
2008-01-07 03:03:55 UTC
i don thik harbajan is guilty why he got punish
2008-01-06 10:40:52 UTC
Australian cricket sucks
Plain Silly
2008-01-06 10:30:56 UTC
sadly its tru,

without even any evidence, they are taking Pontings word for it.
ankush rode
2008-01-07 05:01:59 UTC
No this is not justice to Bhajji.
abhay p
2008-01-07 01:54:10 UTC
its incorrect . its cheating . gamesmanship is not being cheats . india should protest and come back.
2008-01-06 10:58:36 UTC

australia sucks
2008-01-06 10:30:33 UTC

He is banned. Maybe it was all about those 16 wins
manish 'mania;'
2008-01-06 10:54:18 UTC
shivkant p
2008-01-07 09:25:03 UTC
I am with Harbhajan......!!
Jaspreet S
2008-01-07 00:01:52 UTC
no it is not correct

Yes i m with kumble
rajesh p
2008-01-07 03:24:07 UTC
i agree with u
D.S. G
2008-01-07 01:49:42 UTC
Nafeez Nash
2008-01-06 10:29:25 UTC
It's absouloutly correct, these new little fellows are spoiling the name of the game called Cricket.

Shame! Shame! Shame! on Indian & Australaian Cricketers.
arbab k
2008-01-06 17:09:50 UTC
Mohan v
2008-01-07 05:25:04 UTC
no it was noy correct.absolutely wrong
2008-01-06 23:58:20 UTC
no its not correct.....

australlia shame on u....
2008-01-06 10:28:25 UTC
Yep! It's correct!
rawal b
2008-01-07 03:02:36 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.