rahul s
2009-09-20 03:05:46 UTC
Interviewer: Do u think that australian team can dominate again as they had before, followed by we know that australia has great infrastruture and a very good system for their game of cricket?
Sachin tendulkar: Yeah, they had lost some couple of great players in the recent past like mcgrath, shane warne etc and the present team lacks bit of experience but that doesn't meant that they can't dominate again.
Every team goes on this phase when they loose some great players at a time who have contributed for their team immensely.
But that doesn't meant australian team can't dominate again, looking at their system and their domestic structure, i feel its only a matter of time that australia team will be back again at their position and they will be able to dominate again.
Do u agree to his recent comments that in recent future australian cricket team will regain their crown?
I have already asked this question but i am asking again for them who doesn't have answer it.
I don't want any biased answers please think properly and give ur answers.