You will need:
1. CDMA WS 2.7 (google)
2.Harware Virtural Serial Port ( this is the demo good for 14days
3. Motorola A855 USB drivers ( (These are the 32bit Drivers)
4. Cyanogen Mod Rom from Rom Manager in market
5. SPRecovery (
6& & U2nl from (thanks to whiterabbit). Save and U2nl in C:\android\tools\. Autostart (Root) from Market
9. NV items from (u must generate this uniquely with you i have included a generated for sample or to replace x's with you MDN
Step 1. First step is to make sure you have the drivers installed on your computer, and you also need to have Android SDK installed on your computer.
You will need to root the phone, key here is to make sure the kernel you load supports iptables.
Step 2. if you need to ROOT: follow the guide (
than download Rom manager over wifi from MARKET, proceed to flash clockwork and download and install cyanogen 5.xx rom, and google apps..wipe data etc.
Step 2.1 if first fails. get RSD Lite 4.6 (google), Power on phone holding down the up arrow and pressing power, this will put you into bootloader mode.
Open RSD Lite 4.6
Flash the SPRecovery_ESE81.sbf file with RSD Lite.
this should just flash the recovery if not download a rom like SMOKEDGLASS ( unzip and put in folder on SD named Nandroid
Once the phone is completely rebooted into rooted android, power it off.
alternately u can install BuglessBeast froyo v 02.1 from then skip to these steps below
Hold down “T” on the keypad and power on phone.
Plug into computer and open HW Virtual Serial Port (your drivers should install and connect etc)
In HWVS set the IP address to and the port to 11008, choose the com port 10 click connect. (For this tutorial we will use COM10)
Open CDMA WS 2.7 and (go to settings tab and deselect NV Enabled) then connect to COM10. if you dont deselect you will get PHONE FAILED ERRORS
On security tab send SPC 000000. (msg says phone accepts blah blah blah
Go to tab labeled “Other” and write prl. For Cricket EVDO, 6499(new service plan) and 38515 is recommended.
Go to NAM and enter MIN ex. 615-555-5593 (usually different from your actual phone# and MDN(your mobile number ex. 615-555-5551 and click write.
Goto “Memory” tab and click write under NV items, find the downloaded NV items you got from here (
for example you must generate the NV items by inputing your MDN( box opens telling you to save them as .txt and select them with cdma 2.7. (Thanks again to insanecain)
It should then say, 12 NV items were successfully written to phone.
Go to Main tab and click mode reset.
You can now close HWVS and CDMA WS and open cmd.exe on your computer.
if you have QPST open it on the com port 10 read your settings. under MIP mip2,,PPP(Um,AN...etc it should say etc in the right the bottom box password may need to be written to phone, just type in cricket for both Um and An, cricket is the password.
Also select mobile ip+simple ip under MiP tab
select write to phone
Once phone reboots go to the market using WI-FI and download and install Autostart root required
Open the Voice Dialer on the phone and say “Open APNs” and click open.
Click on the Verizon and edit everything to match below:
Name - Cricket
APN internet
Port 8080
Password cricket
MMS Proxy
MMS Port 8080
MCC 310
MNC 004
Authentication Type PAP or CHAP
APN type
Now click the menu button and click Save.
Before starting the next step make sure you have the u2nl file in your this folder c:/android/tools and also that you have you file in this folder c:/
Now go to command prompt and type the following commands,
cd c:\android\tools
adb shell
mkdir /data/opt/
adb remount
adb push c:\android\tools\u2nl /system/bin/u2nl
adb push c:\android\tools\ /data/opt/
adb shell
chmod 0755 /system/bin/u2nl
chmod 0755 /data/opt/
adb reboot
Now, once your phone has rebooted, you should have working web, mms, app, gps, and all. If you don’t go back and check all the steps to insure you did everything exactly right.